The room is the place where the actual meeting takes place. It is the place where the user can interact with other peers.
Join Room
You can generate Access Token using our Server SDK. To generate
you can use our Create Room API.
// Joining the room
await huddleClient.joinRoom('YOUR_ROOM_ID', 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
Function connect
connects to the room and returns the instance of the room.
Description | Return Type |
Connects to the room and returns the instance of the room | room |
// Usage
await room.connect();
``` */}
### remotePeerExists
Function `remotePeerExists` checks if the remote peer exists in the room. Returns `null` if the peer does not exist.
headers={["Params","Type","Description",'Return Type']}
"Checks if the remote peer exists in the room",
'RemotePeer | null'
// Usage
final remotePeer = await room.remotePeerExists("PEER_ID");
Function getRemotePeerById
returns the Remote Peer if present in room.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | Returns the Remote Peer if present in room | RemotePeer |
// Usage
const remotePeer = await room.getRemotePeerById("PEER_ID");
Function getLobbyPeerMetadata
gets the Metadata of the lobby peer.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | Gets the Metadata of the lobby peer | room |
// Usage
await room.getLobbyPeerMetadata({ peerId: string });
Function getMetadata
gets Metadata of the room.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
data | unknown | gets Metadata of the room | void |
// Usage
await room.getMetadata({ data: unknown });
Function updateMetadata
update Metadata of the room.
Description | Return Type |
Update Metadata of the room | void |
// Usage
await room.updateMetadata({ data: unknown });
Function getRemotePeerById
returns the Remote Peer if present in room.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | Returns the Remote Peer if present in room | void |
// Usage
await room.getRemotePeerById(peerId:string);
Function updateRoomControls
update room control booleans - roomLocked, allowProduce, allowConsume, allowSendData.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
data | NewRoomControls | update room control booleans - roomLocked, allowProduce, allowConsume, allowSendData | void |
// Usage
await room.updateRoomControls({ data: NewRoomControls });
Function closeStreamOfLabel
will close a particular stream of remote peers in the room.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
labels | peerIds(optional) | Label of the stream | PeerIds of the remote peers, if not provided, it will close the stream of all the remote peers | close a particular stream of remote peers in the room | void |
// Usage
await room.closeStreamOfLabel({labels:,peerIds?:string[]});
Function muteEveryone
will close the audio stream of all the remote peers who dont have admin permissions in the room.
Description | Return Type |
Close the audio stream of all the remote peers who don't have admin permissions | void |
// Usage
await room.muteEveryone();
Function admitPeer
admits a Peer to the room who is in the lobby.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | Admit a Peer to the room who is in the lobby | void |
// Usage
await room.admitPeer(peerId:string);
Function denyPeer
denies the peer from joining the room, who is in the lobby.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | Denies the peer from joining the room, who is in the lobby | void |
// Usage
await room.denyPeer(peerId:string);
Function kickPeer
kick peer from room with respective peerId
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
peerId | string | kick peer from room with respective peerId | void |
// Usage
await room.kickPeer(peerId:string);
Function close
closes the room with respective reason.
Params | Type | Description | Return Type |
reason ['LEFT' | 'CLOSED' | 'KICKED' | 'DENIED'] | string | closes the room with respective reason | void |
// Usage
await room.close(reason);
Name | Description | Type |
roomId | Room Id of the currently joined room. | string or null |
lobbyPeerSet | Lobby peers as a Set. | Set<string> |
lobbyPeerIds | Lobby peers as an array. | string[] |
config | Room configuration settings including permissions and room state. | TRoomInfo["config"] (object) |
remotePeers | Remote peers in the room. | Map<string, RemotePeer> |
peerIds | Peer IDs of remote peers in the room. | string[] |
// Get room ID
final roomId = room.roomId;
// Get lobby peers as a Set
final lobbyPeerSet = room.lobbyPeerSet;
// Get lobby peers as an array
final lobbyPeerIds = room.lobbyPeerIds;
// Get room configuration settings
final config = room.config;
Event Name | Description | Returns |
room-joined | Invoked when a user successfully joins a room. | None |
room-joined-failed | Invoked when a user's attempt to join a room fails. | { message: string, status: string } |
room-closed | Invoked when a room is closed. | None |
room-left | Invoked when a user leaves a room. | None |
room-connecting | Invoked when a room is in the process of connecting. | None |
new-peer-joined | Invoked when a new peer joins the room. | data (object): Information about the new peer. |
lobby-peers-updated | Invoked when the list of lobby peers is updated. | peerIds (array): An array of lobby peer IDs. |
peer-left | Invoked when a peer leaves the room. | peerId (string): The ID of the peer who left. |
room-controls-updated | Invoked when the room's control settings are updated. | data (object): Information about the updated control settings. |
room-role-updated | Invoked when any remote peer's role is updated. | data (object): Information about the updated role. |
room-awaiting | Invoked when a user is awaiting to join the room. | data (object): Reason and message for peer awaiting to join room. |
stream-added | Invoked when a new remote peer's stream is added to the room. | data (object): Information about the new stream. |
stream-closed | Invoked when a remote peer's stream is closed. | data (object): Information about the closed stream. |
// Event listeners for the Room events
room.on("room-joined", () => {
print("You have successfully joined the room.");
print("Room ID:", room.roomId);
room.on("new-peer-joined", (data) => {
print("A new peer has joined the room:");
print("Peer ID:", data.peerId);
room.on("room-closed", () => {
print("The room has been closed.");