SendData(string message)
Call this function to send any string data either to specific peer or all peer in the room. Pass "*" to send data to all peers in the room or peerId to specific peer in the room
Params | Type | Description |
to | string | peer ID or "*" for all peers. |
data | string | Any data or message in form of string |
label | string | The label of the data message. |
//Send data to all peers in the room
//Send data to peer in a room
Subscribe to this event to receive message send by any peer in the room.
Params | Type | Description |
message | string | message in form of json which can be Deserialized into `MessageReceivedResponse` |
private void OnEnable()
HuddleClient.OnMessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;
private void OnDisable()
HuddleClient.OnMessageReceived -= OnMessageReceived;
private void OnMessageReceived(string data)
Debug.Log($"received data : {data}");
MessageReceivedResponse response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MessageReceivedResponse>(data);
public class MessageReceivedResponse
public string From;
public string Label;
public string Payload;