Room Details API

This API lets you retrieve the room details using either the room ID or the title of the room.

Using RoomId


The Room Details API is a useful tool for retrieving information about a specific meeting room. By passing in the roomId as a parameter, you can easily access the details of a previously created room.

This API is especially useful if you need to retrieve information about a room for administrative purposes or if you want to display information about a room to its participants. Overall, the Room Details API is a valuable resource for accessing information about your meeting rooms and can be used in a variety of scenarios to enhance your experience with Huddle01.


Room Details API

The API supports a POST request with the following required parameters:

  • roomId - The RoomId of the room, for which you need to get the details.
GET • /room-details/{roomId}
const response = await axios.get(
    headers: {
      'x-api-key': {{API_KEY}},

Upon success, the API will return a response with the following fields:

  • roomId - The room ID of the newly created room.
  • appData - The app data of the room.
  • title - The title of the room.
  • description - The description of the room.
  • startTime - The start time of the room.
  • endTime - The end time of the room.
  • hostWalletAddress - The host wallet address of the room.
  • tokenGatingInfo - The token gating information of the room.
  • roomLock - A boolean value indicating if the room is locked.
  • muteOnEntry - The mute on entry status of the room.
  • videoOnEntry - The video on entry status of the room.
  • roomType - The type of the room, default is VIDEO.
  • roomSize - The size of the room, default is NORMAL.

In case of an error, the API will return an error message with a corresponding status code.

      "roomId": "emo-orrj-uvh",
      "appData": null,
      "title": "Test Meeting",
      "description": null,
      "meetingLink": "",
      "startTime": null,
      "expiryTime": null,
      "videoOnEntry": false,
      "muteOnEntry": false,
      "roomLocked": false,
      "hostWalletAddress": []
      "tokenGatingInfo": {
        "id": "TOKEN_GATING_ID",
        "tokenGatingConditions": [
            "id": "TOKEN_GATING_CONDITIONS_ID",
            "tokenType": "TOKEN_TYPE",
            "chain": "CHAIN",
            "contractAddress": "CONTRACT_ADDRESS",
            "conditionType": null,
            "conditionValue": null,
      "roomType": "VIDEO | AUDIO",
      "roomSize": "NORMAL | LARGE"


ParamsDefinitionData TypeMandatory
roomIdThe RoomId of the room, for which you need to get the details.stringY


FieldsDefinitionData TypeMandatory
roomIdThe RoomId of the room, for which you need to get the details.stringY
titleThe title of the room.stringN
descriptionThe description of the room.stringN
startTimeThe start time of the room.string (ISO 8601)N
expiryTimeThe expiry time of the room.string (ISO 8601)N
hostWalletAddressThe host wallet address of the room.string [ ]N
roomLockedThe room locked status of the room.booleanN
muteOnEntryThe mute on entry status of the room.booleanfalse
videoOnEntryThe video on entry status of the room.booleanfalse
tokenGatingInfoThe token gating info of the room.objectN
roomTypeThe room type of the room.VIDEO | AUDION
roomSizeThe room size of the room.NORMAL | LARGEN
appDataThe app data of the room.objectN

Using Title


The Room Details API is a useful tool for retrieving information about a specific meeting room. By passing in the roomId as a parameter, you can easily access the details of a previously created room.

This API is especially useful if you need to retrieve information about a room for administrative purposes or if you want to display information about a room to its participants. Overall, the Room Details API is a valuable resource for accessing information about your meeting rooms and can be used in a variety of scenarios to enhance your experience with Huddle01.


Room Details API

The API supports a GET request with the following required parameters:

  • title - The title of the room, for which you need to get the meeting list.
  • qty - The number of meetings to be returned. (optional)
  • orderBy - The field to order the data by. (optional)
GET • /room-details?title={roomId}
const response = await axios.get(
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'x-api-key': {{API_KEY}},

Upon success, the API will return a response with the following fields:

  • roomId - The room ID of the newly created room.
  • title - The title of the room.
  • description - The description of the room.
  • startTime - The start time of the room.
  • endTime - The end time of the room.
  • hostWalletAddress - The host wallet address of the room. .
  • roomLock - A boolean value indicating if the room is locked.
  • muteOnEntry - The mute on entry status of the room.
  • videoOnEntry - The video on entry status of the room.

In case of an error, the API will return an error message with a corresponding status code.

      "roomId": "emo-orrj-uvh",
      "title": "Test Meeting",
      "description": null,
      "meetingLink": "",
      "startTime": null,
      "expiryTime": null,
      "videoOnEntry": false,
      "muteOnEntry": false,
      "roomLocked": false,
      "hostWalletAddress": []
      "roomId": "xyz-ayxs-abd",
      "title": "Something Random Meeting",
      "description": "Description are important for meetings ?",
      "meetingLink": "",
      "startTime": null,
      "expiryTime": null,
      "videoOnEntry": false,
      "muteOnEntry": false,
      "roomLocked": false,
      "hostWalletAddress": []


ParamsDefinitionData TypeMandatory
titleThe title of the room.stringY
qtyThe quantity of the rooms to returnnumber1
orderByThe order by which the rooms to returnstringdesc


FieldsDefinitionData TypeMandatory
roomIdThe RoomId of the room, for which you need to get the details.stringY
titleThe title of the room.stringN
descriptionThe description of the room.stringN
startTimeThe start time of the room.string (ISO 8601)N
expiryTimeThe expiry time of the room.string (ISO 8601)N
hostWalletAddressThe host wallet address of the room.string [ ]N
roomLockedThe room locked status of the room.booleanN
muteOnEntryThe mute on entry status of the room.booleanfalse
videoOnEntryThe video on entry status of the room.booleanfalse
tokenGatingInfoThe token gating info of the room.objectN
roomTypeThe room type of the room.VIDEO | AUDION
roomSizeThe room size of the room.NORMAL | LARGEN
appDataThe app data of the room.objectN
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