Remote Peer

Huddle01Core.PeerAdded(string peerInfo);

This event gets invoked when any peer is added in the current room. Subscribe to this event to get the notification


peerInfostringThe peer ID of the Remote Peer who has joined the room
private void OnEnable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerAdded += OnPeerJoined;
private void OnDisable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerAdded -= OnPeerJoined;
private void OnPeerJoined(string peerId)
    Debug.Log($"Peer Joined : {peerId}");

Huddle01Core.PeerLeft(string peerId);

This is called when any peer left current room. Subscribe to this event to get the notification


peerIdstringThe peer ID of the Remote Peer who has left the room
private void OnEnable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerLeft += OnPeerLeft;
private void OnDisable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerLeft -= OnPeerLeft;
private void OnPeerLeft(string peerId)
    Debug.Log($"Peer left : {peerId}");

Huddle01Core.PeerMetadata(string peerMetadata)

This is called when any peer in the room update its metadata. Subscribe to this event to get the notification


peerMetadatastringThe peer ID of the Remote Peer who has updated the metadata. Peerid is a part od metadata
private void OnEnable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerMetadata += OnPeerMetaDataUpdated;
private void OnDisable()
    Huddle01Core.PeerMetadata -= OnPeerMetaDataUpdated;
private void OnPeerMetaDataUpdated(PeerMetadata peerInfo)
    Debug.Log($"OnPeerMetaDataUpdated : {peerInfo.PeerId}");
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